Educational Licensing Options:

StarNet is the leading PC X Server supplier to the educational market, with specially priced programs ranging from student licenses to unlimited site licenses covering the needs of an entire campus or an individual department (Computer Science, Chemistry, etc.).

StarNet EDU License Program

X-Win32 and FastX educational licenses are available at discounts of 50% or greater from standard pricing. Licenses are permanent and concurrent. The one-time license fee ranges from $150 to $95 depending on the number of licenses purchased. Generate an online quote.

Student Licenses

Student licenses are available for $69.95 from the StarNet Online Store. Student licenses have a lifespan of 4 years and include all new releases issued during the license period.

Unlimited Campus & Department Licenses

Unlimited department and campus-wide site licenses are $2,950 and $5,750 per year, respectively. More than 120 universities around the world subscribe to the Campus License program (see list below).

The 3-year minimum subscription includes all networks belonging to a certain department or the entire campus. All students, faculty and staff associated with either the department or university qualify to use X-Win32 or FastX on their personal computers and Linux servers.

Technical support is included with unlimited site licenses. All product upgrades issued by StarNet are provided at no additional cost during the subscription period. The license can be renewed on an annual basis for three more years at the same base rate.

Site Licensed Universities:

Arizona State X-Win32
BYU X-Win32
Baylor X-Win32
Boston University X-Win32
Broad MIT X-Win32
Brown X-Win32
CSU East Bay X-Win32
Los Angeles State X-Win32
CSU Northridge X-Win32
San Francisco State X-Win32
Sacramento State X-Win32
San Diego State X-Win32
San Jose State X-Win32
Carnegie Mellon X-Win32
Chinese University 
  				Hong Kong X-Win32
Clemson X-Win32
Columbia X-Win32
Cornell University X-Win32
Cullen X-Win32
Curtin X-Win32
Danmarks Tekniske 
  				Universitet X-Win32
Drexel X-Win32
Duke X-Win32
ESRF France X-Win32
ETH Zurich X-Win32
Ecole Polytechnique
  				Swiss Fed X-Win32
European Southern 
  				Observatory X-Win32
FAU X-Win32
GSI X-Win32
GWDG X-Win32
Georgia Institute X-Win32
Harvard X-Win32
Harvard Smithsonian X-Win32
Humboldt University 
  				of Berlin X-Win32
Johns Hopkins X-Win32
KIT X-Win32
KU Leuven Logo X-Win32
Kungl Tekniska 
  				Hogskolan X-Win32
La Trobe X-Win32
Lulea University of 
  				Technology X-Win32
MIT X-Win32
Masdar X-Win32
Max Planck X-Win32
Mayo Clinic X-Win32
Medical College of 
  				Wisconsin X-Win32
Michigan State X-Win32
Mississippi State X-Win32
Monash University X-Win32
North Carolina State X-Win32
NJIT X-Win32
NTNU X-Win32
Singapore X-Win32
Northwestern X-Win32
Norwegian University X-Win32
Old Dominion X-Win32
Penn State X-Win32
Polytechnic X-Win32
  				Health Services Authority X-Win32
  				University of Technology X-Win32
RWTH X-Win32
SLAC Stanford X-Win32
Shibaura Institute
  				of Technology X-Win32
Siena X-Win32
Sofia University X-Win32
Stony Brook X-Win32
Technical College of
  				New Jersey X-Win32
Technical University of
  				Frieberg X-Win32
Texas AM X-Win32
The Ohio State X-Win32
Tufts University X-Win32
Tulane University X-Win32
UCSB X-Win32
UNC Chapel Hill X-Win32
UNC Greensborough X-Win32
USC X-Win32
Universitat of Mainz X-Win32
  				Catholique de Louvain X-Win32
University of
  				Alabama Birmingham X-Win32
University of Auclkand X-Win32
University of Buffalo X-Win32
University of Chicago X-Win32
University of Dresden X-Win32
University of Groningen 
University of Hannover X-Win32
University of Illinois X-Win32
University of Kiel X-Win32
University of Lausanne X-Win32
University of Maryland X-Win32
University of Minnesota X-Win32
University of Mississippi X-Win32
University of Rochester X-Win32
University of South Florida X-Win32
University of Sydney X-Win32
University of Texas
  				 Cancer Center X-Win32
University of Texas at
  				Austin X-Win32
University of Washington X-Win32
University of 
  				Western Australia X-Win32
University of Wisconsin 
University of the Pacific
University of Virginia 
  				Commonwealth X-Win32
WPI X-Win32
Washington University 
  				at St Louis X-Win32
College of William and Mary X-Win32
Wright State X-Win32
University of Utah X-Win32